Personal projects and works.

In freshman and sophomore year respectively, I took two entry-level graphic design classes from the CTE program at school. However, most of my work and style was developed independently.
A lie of a title and a design challenge I poorly attempted to take on. You can pretty much pinpoint where I burned out.

But overall this was a great exercise that tested my pace and originality :3
A poster I created in celebration of the launch of me and my friends' club, the Paper Plan. We aim to build a community that upholds charitable values through donation drives, recreational activities, and arts & crafts-- follow us on Instagram @chspaperplan !
Another poster I made just for fun for SpyderLab, a marketing and design internship organization that I participated in last school year. I plan to participate again this year.
My winning design for my school's mental health awareness week T-shirt design competition. This is my second time winning but the other design kinda sucks and I like this one better :3